Today Tigers Group are proud and excited to launch our Enhanced Apprenticeships in Play and Attachment.
Over a period of time, we at Tigers Group have listened carefully to our colleagues and friends from across the Early Years Community talk of the existing challenges and future needs of the sector.
During those conversations they have spoken clearly about the need to create a confident, knowledgeable, articulate workforce as the Early Years Community inevitably grows.
We have understood and recognised those same challenges though our own experiences at our attachment led nursery settings at Lullaby Lane, as well as within our own Early Years Training Academy.
That period of reflection, engagement and learning has led us to further understand that significant learning and development only happens in the presence of secure, positive relationships.
At Tigers Group, when approaching any challenge or project, we always start with why as possessing that clarity of intention helps inform the how and what we do.
In the words of Group Managing Director Pauline Scott; “We have a vision for this world where all children have access to free, unstructured play, and loving relationships with highly attuned adults in their lives, during their most formative years. The science tells us the benefits.
This new initiative is designed to provide the adults in the lives of children, the knowledge they deserve to know, at the very start of their career. Once you know this information you cannot unknow it. The adults deserve it, the children deserve it.”
In order to support that vision, we have invited a group of exceptional individuals to join our programme as resident trainers delivering a series of bespoke workshops on topics chosen to expand learning and enrich the practice of the individual trainee.
Those residents, all of whom we are privileged to call friends, share our vision and our passion to support positive change across the Early Years Community.
Our resident trainers are:
Laura Henry-Allain MBE, Producer, Storyteller, Educationalist and Consultant
Suzanne Zeedyk, Founder, connected baby
James Docherty, ACEs to Assets
Nikki Black MBE, Nursery Head in Glasgow
Sue Palmer, Chair, Upstart Scotland
Donna Adams, Nursery Manager, Lullaby Lane Nurseries
Jacqui McDonald, Education Consultant
Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive, Children 1st
Our bespoke, in person, workshops will cover a diverse range of topics including Equality and Inclusion, Compassionate Leadership, Play Based Learning, UNCRC, Safeguarding, Attachment Theory, Working with multiple services and Adverse Childhood experiences.
In addition to all of the above we will arrange for field trip visits for all participants to other care and early year settings, all to help them understand the ways children play, learn and grow.
Finally, as part of the new Play and Attachment programme we will deliver both the Social Services Children and Young People Modern Apprenticeships at Level 7 and Level 9.
We believe in creating this enhanced Modern Apprenticeship we have demonstrated our knowledge of the sector, our desire to support positive change within the same and an unyielding commitment to supporting and inspiring young people to develop their infinite potential.
We cannot wait to get started and we look forward to working with you all in the very near future.
For more information you can contact our Early Years Academy at or by telephone 0141 771 5200.