calming tigers

Enhanced Apprenticeships in Play and Attachment

Today Tigers Group are proud and excited to launch our Enhanced Apprenticeships in Play and Attachment.

Over a period of time, we at Tigers Group have listened carefully to our colleagues and friends from across the Early Years Community talk of the existing challenges and future needs of the sector.

During those conversations they have spoken clearly about the need to create a confident, knowledgeable, articulate workforce as the Early Years Community inevitably grows.

We have understood and recognised those same challenges though our own experiences at our attachment led nursery settings at Lullaby Lane, as well as within our own Early Years Training Academy.

That period of reflection, engagement and learning has led us to further understand that significant learning and development only happens in the presence of secure, positive relationships.

At Tigers Group, when approaching any challenge or project, we always start with why as possessing that clarity of intention helps inform the how and what we do.

In the words of Group Managing Director Pauline Scott; “We have a vision for this world where all children have access to free, unstructured play, and loving relationships with highly attuned adults in their lives, during their most formative years. The science tells us the benefits.

This new initiative is designed to provide the adults in the lives of children, the knowledge they deserve to know, at the very start of their career. Once you know this information you cannot unknow it. The adults deserve it, the children deserve it.”

In order to support that vision, we have invited a group of exceptional individuals to join our programme as resident trainers delivering a series of bespoke workshops on topics chosen to expand learning and enrich the practice of the individual trainee.

Those residents, all of whom we are privileged to call friends, share our vision and our passion to support positive change across the Early Years Community.

Our resident trainers are:

Laura Henry-Allain MBE, Producer, Storyteller, Educationalist and Consultant

Suzanne Zeedyk, Founder, connected baby

James Docherty, ACEs to Assets

Nikki Black MBE, Nursery Head in Glasgow

Sue Palmer, Chair, Upstart Scotland

Donna Adams, Nursery Manager, Lullaby Lane Nurseries

Jacqui McDonald, Education Consultant

Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive, Children 1st

Our bespoke, in person, workshops will cover a diverse range of topics including Equality and Inclusion, Compassionate Leadership, Play Based Learning, UNCRC, Safeguarding, Attachment Theory, Working with multiple services and Adverse Childhood experiences.

In addition to all of the above we will arrange for field trip visits for all participants to other care and early year settings, all to help them understand the ways children play, learn and grow.

Finally, as part of the new Play and Attachment programme we will deliver both the Social Services Children and Young People Modern Apprenticeships at Level 7 and Level 9.

We believe in creating this enhanced Modern Apprenticeship we have demonstrated our knowledge of the sector, our desire to support positive change within the same and an unyielding commitment to supporting and inspiring young people to develop their infinite potential.

We cannot wait to get started and we look forward to working with you all in the very near future.

For more information you can contact our Early Years Academy at or by telephone 0141 771 5200.

A Family's Experience at Lullaby Lane

A Family's Experience at Lullaby Lane

Choosing a nursery for your 1st child is a daunting experience – so many choices, so many opinions, so many options, so many crazy waiting lists and much wondering about what is the right decision.

This was what faced us in the Autumn of 2014 after our daughter Emily was born as we began to think about the logistics of childcare. When we went to visit Lullaby Lane we instantly knew this was the place – a sign at the door said “home from home” – and within minutes of being inside the nursery and meeting the staff for the first time we knew this was the place for us! Lullaby Lane is far more than a nursery, it’s family! And now after roughly 7 years we have come to the end of our journey as parents of children at Lullaby Lane but we will forever hold it in our hearts, and be a supporter of Pauline and her teams as much as we can.

“I love being able to get outdoors all the time and being able to play on the hammocks”



We were naive and thought that nursery was just somewhere you took your children for childcare, but Lullaby Lane has taught us that it is so much more. All the staff strive to be the best they can be, and not only educate themselves about early years development and attachment theory but also the parents and families too, and for this we will be forever grateful! Attachment theory was something we knew nothing about before becoming a Lullaby Lane family; and it’s now something we are able to share with our own friends and family.

Both our children – Emily and Finlay – have attended Lullaby Lane over the last 7 years, and we would have been lost without the nursery. It’s the most welcoming, friendly, homely, nurturing and loving environment and nothing is ever too much. All staff go above and beyond every day, to help the children achieve their full potential and feel settled, loved and connected to their nursery environment and them as keyworkers. Not only do they love and support the children in their care they also have the same connection to the parents and families.

“Lullaby Lane is so much fun!”



Our time at Lullaby Lane has not always been plain sailing. As a family we didn’t qualify for childcare during the covid pandemic, but Lullaby Lane made sure to keep the connection with Finlay (and Emily) alive with weekly video messages, connection bags and zoom sessions with keyworkers and friends so when nursery finally opened up again to us, it was a smooth transition back for Finlay and he couldn’t have been happier to be back with “his Sophia” and his besties.

Lullaby Lane is definitely more than just a nursery, it’s a place that loves your child as much as you love them yourselves and becomes part of your family. Our children wouldn’t be who they are today without the friendships and relationships they made during their time there.

Through them we have made friends and connections for life and will never ever forget our time there and neither will Emily and Finlay 💖

Katie and Brian Thomson

The Pride in Pride

Why do we still need Pride?

As you may know June and July are Pride months in the UK, a celebration for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. A time for the LGBTQ+ community to be seen, understood, and respected. A time for education, reflection, action, and most of all love.

Being gay is still a crime in over 69 countries round the world, and punishable by death in many. Pride isn’t just a bit of fun or a chance to show off. Its an essential political event highlighting human rights and the struggle for legal equality for the LGBTQ+ community round the world. With the Trans community particularly being persecuted at this time by the uneducated in the media, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Why Tigers are involved?

Tigers have supported, coached, and believed in young people in Scottish communities for years. I felt it was fitting that they offered to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and wanted to be part of the Pride march in Glasgow. Many of our young people are lesbian, gay, bi and trans.

Tigers offer a safe environment for learning, offering coaching, mental health awareness and a real practical support as part of a whole person approach. Helping young people work towards achieving their full potential whoever they are and whoever they love. Our Tigers learners feel so comfortable in the inclusive environment provided, that they can finally be who they want and need to be. It can be a weight lifted from their shoulders, allowing them to just be who they want to be. No need to hide or feel shame, they can relax and know they are accepted and respected for the journey they are on.

“I was delighted to stand with David, with colleagues and friends in celebration of our diversity. Pride was an incredible event, filled with joy, love and understanding - I was proud to be there and walk alongside my friends.”


Siobhan Argyle, Education Manager, tigers

Our day of Pride

Saturday the 16th July has arrived Pride day Glasgow. Myself, and a group of colleagues, have our place in the Pride parade and are all ready to go. A mixed group of gay and straight allies. I feel so proud to have such a fantastic, supportive, loving work family ready to march along-side me. Taking on my fight and making it theirs.

With Tigers Pride t-shirts generously supplied by Tigers Group Managing Director Pauline Scott, Pride flags freshly ironed, glitter, whistles and rainbows everywhere we are off. What strikes me immediately are the many businesses and organisations like Tigers who are taking part. From supermarkets and banks to council adoption agencies and the gay rugby team. Thousands of people supporting change. Many realising that Pride isn’t just a day out of the year, but every day. Changing policies in their companies and organisations to legally protect their LGBTQ+ members and employees.

Smiles, laughter, singing, music, chants fill the air as we make our way from Glasgow Green through the streets of Glasgow City Centre towards George Square.
The streets are lined by people waving and enjoying the atmosphere, old and young, families and couples, smiling and waving, showing their support. You can feel the joy in the air, its intoxicating. 20,000 people marching for equality, for change, for reform, and love.
It makes me feel proud how far the LGBTQ+ community have come in the 50 years pride has been celebrated. I feel lucky to live in a country where my freedom to be me is legally protected.
But it also makes me realise more work is required to help the LGBTQ+ community round the world. The fight for human rights continues. I look around me and realise the fight is in good hands.

Roll on Pride 2023 the fight goes on!

Supporting people to develop their infinite potential

Tigers group are now offering support to our team, partners, children and young people through calming tigers and authentic tigers

Here at tigers, we’re passionate about supporting people to develop their infinite potential. We care deeply about creating an environment that allows every individual to bring their authentic self into the workplace.

We are excited to launch two new brands, calming tigers & authentic tigers, both of which will be crucial to making this vision a reality. Both brands will allow us to support not only our team, but also children, young people, schools and partners with wellbeing and life coaching programmes.

Emotional Health Self Awareness – calming tigers

Raising self-awareness of how we carry stress and anxiety, calming tigers supports adults and children to move towards calmness using a collection of body-based techniques. We have a shared belief that we’re all deserving of knowing our own value and self-worth. Our sessions promote empathy, resilience, kindness, and connection to build a strong mindset and body.

Calming tigers was developed in-house during lockdown and we recognised immediate benefits across our team. It then seemed a natural progression to take this solution to our wider community, partners, and organisations.

Our Wellbeing Coordinator Aisling Bent is leading calming tigers. Here is why she does it:

“My passion came from my own journey and my subsequent desire to help the Lullaby Lane Nurseries team manage daily anxieties. After years of using meditation for my own benefit as a relaxation technique, I decided to train as a mindfulness coach to assist others on their journey of relaxation and increase their ability to de-stress.”

Programmes offered by calming tigers:

  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga
  • Positive Touch
  • Laughter Therapy
  • Wellbeing Days

Transformational Coaching – authentic tigers

Authentic tigers life coaching sessions, workshops and events align with our vision to reduce barriers and help others to develop their infinite potential.

We do this by offering a range of accelerated personal development solutions using rapid transformation tools, techniques and strategies.

The service will coach individuals and teams using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and other therapies to analyse how we organise our thinking, feelings, language, and behaviour and retrospectively our emotional intelligence to create successful outcomes.

Our Learning & Development Igniter, David Howie, is leading the development of authentic tigers. In 2008 he became a qualified Practitioner and in 2021 a Master Practitioner in NLP and other therapies. Here is why:

“After many years seeking the solution to my own battles with mental health I was introduced to neuro-linguistic programming. The real positive impact helped me to deal with life's challenges in a more balanced manner. From here, I developed an internal ‘must’ to help others to see life through a different lens and achieve more of what they want in life. People deserve to live life beyond limits.”

Programmes offered by authentic tigers:

  • One-to-One Personal or Professional Coaching
  • Personal or Professional Breakthrough Day Experience
  • Team Stress Management & Development Days
  • Goal Setting Sessions
  • Time-Line Therapy Sessions
  • Supreme Self Confidence Days
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Communication Skills Days & NLP basics.

“We strongly believe that we have a responsibility to create a culture that is safe and secure and encourages our team to bring their “whole self to work”. The introduction of calming tigers and authentic tigers has enabled us to do this. We are delighted that we are now able to offer these initiatives to our wider community to help inspire and support them to develop their infinite potential.”


Laura Devennie, Director of People and Culture, tigers

If you would like to learn more information about authentic tigers and calming tigers programmes, email us to arrange a call.