Supporting people to develop their infinite potential
Tigers group are now offering support to our team, partners, children and young people through calming tigers and authentic tigers
Here at tigers, we’re passionate about supporting people to develop their infinite potential. We care deeply about creating an environment that allows every individual to bring their authentic self into the workplace.
We are excited to launch two new brands, calming tigers & authentic tigers, both of which will be crucial to making this vision a reality. Both brands will allow us to support not only our team, but also children, young people, schools and partners with wellbeing and life coaching programmes.

Emotional Health Self Awareness – calming tigers
Raising self-awareness of how we carry stress and anxiety, calming tigers supports adults and children to move towards calmness using a collection of body-based techniques. We have a shared belief that we’re all deserving of knowing our own value and self-worth. Our sessions promote empathy, resilience, kindness, and connection to build a strong mindset and body.
Calming tigers was developed in-house during lockdown and we recognised immediate benefits across our team. It then seemed a natural progression to take this solution to our wider community, partners, and organisations.
Our Wellbeing Coordinator Aisling Bent is leading calming tigers. Here is why she does it:
“My passion came from my own journey and my subsequent desire to help the Lullaby Lane Nurseries team manage daily anxieties. After years of using meditation for my own benefit as a relaxation technique, I decided to train as a mindfulness coach to assist others on their journey of relaxation and increase their ability to de-stress.”
Programmes offered by calming tigers:
- Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Positive Touch
- Laughter Therapy
- Wellbeing Days

Transformational Coaching – authentic tigers
Authentic tigers life coaching sessions, workshops and events align with our vision to reduce barriers and help others to develop their infinite potential.
We do this by offering a range of accelerated personal development solutions using rapid transformation tools, techniques and strategies.
The service will coach individuals and teams using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and other therapies to analyse how we organise our thinking, feelings, language, and behaviour and retrospectively our emotional intelligence to create successful outcomes.
Our Learning & Development Igniter, David Howie, is leading the development of authentic tigers. In 2008 he became a qualified Practitioner and in 2021 a Master Practitioner in NLP and other therapies. Here is why:
“After many years seeking the solution to my own battles with mental health I was introduced to neuro-linguistic programming. The real positive impact helped me to deal with life's challenges in a more balanced manner. From here, I developed an internal ‘must’ to help others to see life through a different lens and achieve more of what they want in life. People deserve to live life beyond limits.”
Programmes offered by authentic tigers:
- One-to-One Personal or Professional Coaching
- Personal or Professional Breakthrough Day Experience
- Team Stress Management & Development Days
- Goal Setting Sessions
- Time-Line Therapy Sessions
- Supreme Self Confidence Days
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Communication Skills Days & NLP basics.
“We strongly believe that we have a responsibility to create a culture that is safe and secure and encourages our team to bring their “whole self to work”. The introduction of calming tigers and authentic tigers has enabled us to do this. We are delighted that we are now able to offer these initiatives to our wider community to help inspire and support them to develop their infinite potential.”
Laura Devennie, Director of People and Culture, tigers
If you would like to learn more information about authentic tigers and calming tigers programmes, email us to arrange a call.
Joining forces with Morgan Sindall Construction to improve training
New joint venture to address challenges in the construction sector
Having partnered with Morgan Sindall Construction for over 10 years on various projects, we knew our vision for helping young people to reach their infinite potential was a shared one. Now we’re very excited to have the chance to take it one step further!
Our new joint venture (JV) will mean a seismic shift in the approach to training for the construction sector, addressing emotional health, suicide and gender imbalance, as well as general skills gaps and an ageing workforce. Already, 35 young people have joined our Pre-Apprenticeship Programme and are benefiting from the new JV!

What makes our new JV stand out?
We’re creating Modern Apprenticeship opportunities in Construction and Civil Engineering Operations at SCQF Level 5, within the Glasgow and South Ayrshire areas through our new bespoke Pre-Apprenticeship Programme.
We’ll also support the Foundation Apprenticeship model, bridging the gap between education and employment by delivering Civil Engineering and Craft frameworks. This will help a further 35 learners, all with aspirations to work within the construction sector.

“Already, 35 young people have joined our Pre-Apprenticeship Programme and are benefiting from the new joint venture.”

As with all of our training, we’ll be taking a progressive and holistic approach in this sector-leading JV to support young people to overcome social and emotional barriers. There will be a coaching and health and wellbeing programme woven through the training with activities like body based mindfulness, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), physical exercise and yoga.
We provide skills for the future and our new JV programmes will be no different. Not only will they be aligned with employer demand, they will also reflect the key aims set out by Construction Scotland and the Construction Recovery Plan, covering areas like Net Zero Carbon and digital construction skills. We’re pleased to be supported by partners like CECA, CITB, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and Digital Construction Skills Scotland.
Our programmes will be delivered in areas local to key Morgan Sindall Construction Projects, like the Prestwick Education Campus and Maybole Community Campus. We’ll support a wide variety of supply chain contractors through the Shared Apprenticeship Scheme model, with many having voiced their support for this model to support them during the most challenging economic climate our nation has faced in recent history.
Want to get involved with the Pre-Apprenticeship Programme?
Email us to learn more.
Partnering with West College Scotland on mental health
Offering two new mental health training programmes
Here at tigers we’re passionate about Relationship Led Practice and supporting our team’s whole wellbeing is integral to us as a business. We know we thrive in secure, positive relationships and to do this we need to care for our mental health and ensure our workplace practises reflect its importance.
We are so excited to have a new opportunity to extend what we practise in our business to young people via our training! We’ll be working alongside West College Scotland to deliver Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) training in two key areas related to mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Training
We’ll share a course aimed at increasing young people’s understanding of how our mental health can impact our working environment and everyday lives. Young people will have the opportunity to learn more about trigger points and coping mechanisms. We’ll support them through a planned programme, encouraging independent learning, questions, problem-solving and team work.
“We know we thrive in secure, positive relationships and to do this we need to care for our mental health and ensure our workplace practises reflect its importance.”
Mental Health First Aid Training
This qualification will give young people the skills to recognise a wide range of mental health conditions and find out more about the support and therapy available from professional healthcare providers. While diagnosing and treating mental health conditions can only be carried out by healthcare professionals, we’ll give people the knowledge to spot when someone may have a condition and to know where they can go for help and support.
What we’ll cover
- Learning how to start a supportive conversation with someone experiencing mental health difficulties, and how and when to signpost to seek appropriate professional help.
- Understanding the impact of substance abuse on our mental health.
- Recognising stress and discovering how we can manage our stress levels.
- Understanding the first aid action plan for mental health and knowing how to put it in place.
- Learning how to implement a positive mental health culture in the workplace.
We can’t wait to begin working with West College Scotland, sharing mental health training, raising awareness through education and increasing skills in such an important area.
Our new plans to help women return to work
Introducing our exciting new contract!
Women have been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, shouldering increased caring responsibilities, lost earnings and job losses. Here at tigers, we want to help as our vision is for a fair and inclusive world where equal opportunities exist for all.
With this in mind, tigers are delighted to be partnering with Skills Development Scotland on an exciting new programme, designed to support women returning to the job market, who have experienced unemployment for 6 months or more.

What we have planned
Research shows that digital skills are needed for almost every job, it is part of the Scottish Government’s ‘A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world’. The strategy, published in March 2021, commented, ‘ensuring we have a strong digitally skilled workforce will be a key driver to inclusive economic growth’. This course will provide women returning to work with the composite skills required to gain employment and contribute to the wider economy.
“We want to play a part in addressing the gap between those with digital skills and those who experience digital exclusion.”
Steeped in the knowledge that significant learning and development only happens in the presence of secure, positive relationships, a key focus for tigers will be supporting women to develop digital skills and break down the barriers accessing employment. Our course will focus on experiential learning opportunities and a paid work placement, with the aim of moving to sustained employment.
A key element of this course will be to tackle digital exclusion faced by many women and advance towards our vision for a fair and inclusive world where equal opportunities exist for individuals, families and communities. We can’t wait to share more details as we work with women to help them return to work.
The Women Returners Programme is funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Skills Development Scotland.